Dean: Professor Cathryn McConaghy
The Faculty of Education (formerly the School of Education and Community Studies) brings together teacher education and community studies.
The Faculty offers a wide range of pre-service qualifications for undergraduates, while also offering Post Graduate programs tailored to the professional needs of those already in the field. We aim at the undergraduate level to provide the best possible preparation for students entering into their profession, and, at a postgraduate level, a range of coursework programs designed to advance people within their professional development. We also offer research degrees at Masters and PhD level.
The Faculty is organised around three discipline areas; Education Studies, Curriculum Studies and Community Studies.
Our academic staff come from diverse backgrounds and possess a wide range of teaching expertise, allowing us to provide a good balance of practical learning and theory.
The Faculty has strong collaborative relationships with a number of specialised Centres, including Wiradjuri Childcare centre, The Schools and Community Centre and the Curriculum Resources Centre.