10 Binara St, Industry House, Canberra City ACT 2617 View Map
PO Box
1844, Canberra ACT 2601
(02) 6213 6000
02 6213 6815
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The National Measurement Institute (NMI), a division within the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, is responsible for Australia's national infrastructure in physical, chemical, biological and legal measurements. Under the National Measurement Act 1960, NMI is responsible for coordinating Australia’s national measurement system, and for establishing, maintaining and realising Australia’s units and standards of measurement, thereby allowing Australian industry to operate competitively in a global environment.
NMI delivers essential services to the Australian economy by providing the legal and technical framework for disseminating measurement standards; working with clients in industry and government to provide measurement expertise, calibration services, chemical and biological analyses and pattern approval testing; and supporting Australia’s standards and conformance infrastructure.
NMI is Australia’s representative under the international measurement treaties that establish the International Committee for Weights and Measures and the International Organization of Legal Metrology. In regional measurement forums, NMI also represents Australia at the Asia Pacific Metrology Programme and the Asia-Pacific Legal Metrology Forum. NMI’s contributions in these activities are key factors in formally securing international mutual recognition of Australia’s measurement standards which, in turn, underpins the international acceptance of testing and certification of Australian commodities and products.
In order to meet the measurement needs of government, the public, industry and scientific organisations, NMI undertakes cutting-edge research to anticipate the trends of new measurement technologies. NMI maintains a broad range of scientific and technical capabilities to fulfil its statutory responsibilities and to meet government and private sector requirements for traceability of measurements. With this expertise, NMI is well-placed to form strategic partnerships to solve measurement problems in industry and government