Our Lady of Mercy Catholic College (OLMC), Burraneer is a Catholic girls Years 7-10 Secondary school situated on Burraneer Bay in Sydney's southern suburbs. The Sisters of Mercy Parramatta founded Our Lady of Mercy College for the education of girls at Cronulla circa 1932. The school re-located to its present site on Burraneer Bay in 1960. Its campus overlooks Burraneer Bay and the Royal National Park, and its compact grounds retain the garden atmosphere of the original property. After completing their School Certificate, the girls go on to complete their secondary schooling at De La Salle Catholic School in Cronulla.
OLMC seeks to maintain a happy, effective learning environment, with courses and policies tailored to assist the spiritual, social, intellectual, physical, and emotional development of each student.
OLMC is a Systemic Catholic School which prides itself on its record of academic excellence. The college offers a dynamic curriculum, which attempts to meet the needs of the full range of students. Extra-curricula involvement includes the Creative and Performing Arts, a wide range of competitive sports, and Debating and Public Speaking.
The school has a warm and friendly atmosphere that is conducive to student learning. A Peer Support System operates alongside a well-developed pastoral structure and pastoral care programme to assist students to engage with the College community and hence to build resilience. With a student population of approximately 500 girls, the experienced staff get to know the students well and are able to cater for their learning needs. Parent communication with the teaching staff is encouraged to enable the best possible learning for the girls.
The Resource Centre provides support for students who are gifted and talented and those students with learning difficulties or who are in need of remediation. An academic extension class exists in each year group.
The College has a Contemporary learning environment including: a new Library, multi-purpose games area, swimming pool, specialist rooms for Visual Arts, Technology, Computers, Music, Science and Textile and Design, Food Technology, and Design and Technology.
Electives Years 9 and 10 include Drama, Commerce, Physical Activity & Sport Studies, Information Software Technology, Food Technology, Music, Visual Arts, Textiles Technology and French.