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PO Box 225
(02) 4220 0200
(02) 4220 0201
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De Virtute In Virtutem
Headmaster - Monica Watt
Christian school for years K - 12
The Illawarra Grammar School is a Christian school in the Anglican tradition. The school has an inclusive enrolment policy and welcomes students from all faiths and denominations. Formal Chapel services are held weekly in the Illawarra Grammar Centre for all students.
At TIGS your child will be encouraged to discover and develop their academic gifts to their full potential. While academic standards across the school are high, we offer a broad and diverse range of subjects to cater for the different needs and interests of your child throughout their years of schooling from Prep to Year 12.
Every year TIGS students achieve outstanding results in all areas of academic endeavour including the Higher School Certificate, School Certificate, Year 7 ELLA and SNAP Tests and Year 3 and 5 Basic Skills Tests. Statewide test results report that our students are significantly outperforming the Statewide averages.