Pennant Hills Road Normanhurst NSW 2076 View Map
(02) 9489 1077
(02) 9489 5722
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Know Thyself
Principal - Mr. Neville Warren
Selective high school for years 7 - 12
Normanhurst Boys' High School was opened on 28 January 1958 as a comprehensive boys' school. It was designated a selective school from the commencement of the 1994 school year and received its first intake of 120 boys in that year. From 1999 the school became fully selective with a student population of approximately 720.
Normanhurst has excellent facilities including six science laboratories, four computer laboratories as well as a number of smaller computer kiosks, a drama room, three art rooms, a dark room, tennis courts, basket ball courts, oval, clothing pool, a newly refurbished canteen (that implements the health canteen policy) and hall.
The curriculum is diverse with students having the opportunity to study the more traditional subjects such as English, mathematics, physics, economics… but also subjects such as drama, visual arts, vocational education and training (VET) courses and Distinction courses (philosophy, comparative literature and cosmology).