Campbell Street Euroa VIC 3666 View Map
PO Box
63, Euroa 3666
(03) 5795 2512
(03) 5795 3544
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Principal - Mr. Michael Bell
Euroa Secondary College is committed to ensuring the educational development of all students to enable them to become successful and socially responsible individuals in the 21st century.
Euroa Secondary College has a proud record of achievement. 90% of our Year 12 students transfer to further education and training on the completion of their secondary education with another 10% taking up ongoing employment. Our belief is that all students should complete their Victorian Certificate of Education or Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning and we combine with our neighbourhood primary schools, other secondary schools, post secondary institutions and industry to ensure that the range of interests of our students are addressed.
We place considerable emphasis on facilitating the transition from primary to secondary school. In the Middle Years of learning (Grade 5 to Year 9), students undergo studies spanning the eight key learning areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Studies of Society and the Environment (SOSE), Technology, Languages other than English (LOTE - Japanese), The Arts, and Health & Physical Education. Although all studies are compulsory, the curriculum program at Year 7 is specifically designed to cater for the variety of academic, cultural, sporting and welfare needs of all students.