Principal: Don West
Trinity Theological College is an evangelical, reformed and non-denominational ministry training centre whose mission is to prepare men and women for effective Christian service for the glory of God. Trinity House is a purpose-designed building capable of housing up to 200 full-time students.
Trinity stands for quality preparation for Christian service. If you are being led to professional or lay ministry, or if you want to bolster your understanding of the Gospel of God and its implications, time spent at Trinity will be of lasting value.
In seeking to bring glory to our God in and through his Son, Trinity aims to equip its students for service so that they can be equippers as well (Ephesians 4:11, 12; 2 Timothy 2:2). This aim is reflected in our pastoral care of students, our teaching methods and syllabus, and our desire for integrity at all levels—governing body, faculty, staff, and volunteers.
We place our highest values on: the deepening of our personal relationship with God, the upholding of the Bible as the Word of God—sufficient and authoritative for all matters of faith and life, engaging in biblical and theological depth, and the applying of what we learn to who we are and what we do.
As an independent, evangelical, and reformed college, Trinity is home to students from many denominations and church families and from all walks of life.